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4.1 Install imagemagick at Ubuntu 18.04
- sudo apt-get install imagemagick
4.2 Make images
- Load pdb
- Make initial image: File > Render > Tachyon
- Use identify vmdscene.dat.tga to find image size: width x height + 0 + 0
- Make tiff image: convert vmdscene.dat.tga -crop w x h + l + t -quality 100 -density 300 test.tiff
Notes: new image size: w x h; crop l(eft) margin; right margin \(= (width - l)\); t(op) margin; bottom margin \(= (height - t)\).
The command to convert pdf to jpeg
pdftoppm -singlefile -f 4(page number) -r 72(resolution) -jpeg -jpegopt quality=100 presentation.pdf outputname
4.3 Make rotation movies
I like to use the following tcl script.
proc make_rotation_animated_gif {} {
set frame 0
for {set i 0} {$i < 360} {incr i 20} {
set filename snap.[format "%04d" $frame].rgb
render snapshot $filename
incr frame
rotate y by 20
exec convert -delay 10 -loop 4 snap.*.rgb movie.gif
exec rm -f snap.*.rgb
4.4 Make trajectory movies
- VMD > Extensions > Visualization > Movie Maker
- Render > Tachyon
- Movie Settings > Trajectory
- Format > Animated Gif
- Set working directory > /tmp